Notes |
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Cited from Burke County Misc. Records, "A List of the Disaffected men Returned
to Oct. Term...
Lincoln County - Names of those that is supposed to come under the
Confiscation Act:
...Glance, Jacob."
Scenario: Jacob, a man at least in his thirties, no doubt with family, is now
sought by the new government for sedition because his alleged royalist
activities. What could he do? He cannot flee north, south or east because he
would still be in a populated area (and law-enforcement) so it is to the West
where he must flee.The West was still wilderness and as yet not subject to the
benefit of society, i.e., clerks, magistrates, sheriffs, etc., and it was
there that offered him his best hope of escape and a place to begin a new life
for himself and his family.
This would construe likely circumstances for the origin of the CLAUNCH family
in Kentucky. The earliest Kentucky records, circa late 1790's, report the
beginnings of the Jeremiah Claunch family. This Jeremiah, true to custom,
could have been named after his paternal grandfather, Hieronymus "Jeremiah"