Notes |
- There is much documentation regarding the Clontz' immigration to the "New World". Carl Clontz, of Mt.Vernon, KY, has written an excellent monograph regarding this this family;
"The history of the Clontz family in the United States likely begins with the arrival of Hieronymus Glantz on the ship, Adventure, which arrived in Philadelphia, in September, 1732. It had come from Rotterdam via the port of Cowes in Britain. The captain, in his passenger list, showed the following family, whose names and ages were given as:
Jerimy Glance 29
Marrea Medl. Glance 30
Anna Margreate Glance 9
Hance Micalle Glance 4
The adult male immigrants were required to sign two instruments attesting their allegiance - one to the Crown of England and one to the proprietor of the province. These lists were signed on September 23, 1732, and both (taken before different clerks) contain the signature: Hieronymus Glance.
Although he could sign his name (and was clearly literate in German), he apparently never learned English for he later made his mark on documents [which were] in English.
From Philadelphia the family appears to have migrated to south-central Virginia in what is now Mecklenburg County. The area was originally included in Brunswick County but became Lunenburg County in 1746, and in 1765, became Mecklenburg County, whose county seat is Boydton. Jeremiah, as he was then known, was shown on a tithe list,in 1748, as Jermiah Glaush. In 1749 and 1750, he was listed as Jeremiah Clanch; in 1751, as Jermiah Clansh and in 1752, as Jeremiah Claunch.
On October 2, 1750, he purchased a 200 acre tract of land from Drury Smith. In 1752, a tithe list included Jeremiah Claunch and also John Claunch, as a separate householder. Hance (or probably Hans) had anglicized his name adopting the English version - John. The tithe listings are consisent with ages shown by the ship captain.
In 1748, John Michael would been 19 or 20, depending on his birth date, and probably would not have been obligated for tithes. In 1752, he would have around 24 and would have been obligated. No other trace of him has been found in southern Viginia.
Jeremiah was issued a patent for an additional 200 acres in August, 1756. No other land acquisitions by him have been located; however, in June, 1758, he and his wife (Margaret) conveyed 555 acres to a Thomas Moore. Whether they stayed in Mecklenburg County, Virginia, or migrated further south cannot be determinded from the records that have been found, but a Jeremiah Claunch can be found there in the record until 1800, on tax lists or in signing various marriage bonds and marriage consents for his children. It is likely that a son, Jeremiah, and perhaps other children left progeny there. There is a gap between the 1758 deed and the 1782 census and tax record showing Jeremiah Claunch with six white family members. In 1793, William married. Matthew Claunch married in 1799, with Jeremiah as surety on his bond. Dennis Claunch married in 1803, and Jinny and Sally in 1804.
John Michael and a brother named Jacob migrated to southern North Carolina. In December,1768,John Michael Claunch patented 200 acres in Mecklenburgh (sic)
County, North Carolina, and in May, 1772, Jacob Clance patented 226 acres there.
Two brothers, Jeremiah Clontz and George Clontz were in born in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina,in the years 1756 and 1759, respectively. The place of birth is now in Cabarrus County. Both of these men enlisted and served in the Revolutionary War and received pensions. George's nine-month enlistment was up, August 5, 1779, and he was sick and his father came and took him back to Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. They are listed as heads of household in North Carolina in the 1790 census. George was in Cabarrus County and Jeremiah was in Mecklenburg.
John Michael Clontz and Wife, Margaret, sold their patented land to a Christian Goodman, in 1784, and no further trace can be found of them in North Carolina but a Michael Clontz is shown in South Carolina a little south and east of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, in the 1790 census. No further trace of John Michael can be found [ed.note: John would have been 62 years of age during that census]. Jacob Clance cannot be traced and there is no record of his conveying away the patented land [ed.note: in 1788, Lincoln County, NC, "Jacob Glance" was noted on a "Confiscation List" and believed to have been a royalist].
Since Jeremiah and George Clontz (this is the spelling in the Revolutionary War Records) were both born in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, and since John Michael Clontz was still there in 1784, it is likely that they are his sons [John Michael] and that he was the same John Miachel Glantz who arrived in Philadephia, in 1732, as a 4-year old boy.
Jeremiah Clontz remained in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina and reared six children. Their names were Henry, Jeremiah, Jacob, Sarah, John Adam and
Catherine. There are numerous descendants still in Charlotte and Mecklenburg Counties, North Carolina.
In 1796, George Clonts purchased 100 acres of land in Cabarrus County, North Carolina, from his father-in-law, Jacob Cline (George married Chloe Cline, in August, 1783). The deed was dated 1796.
In 1801, Christian Claunce was granted 90 acres in Cabarrus County, North Carolina.
George sold his land to a John Clons on September 14, 1801, and Christian (Clance) sold his, July 27, 1802 and they and their immediate families both migrated west to Burke County. George moved in 1802 and both appear in Burke County in the 1810 census. In addition, Jacob Clontz who was 20-26 and John Clontz, who was over 45 were listed in Burke County in 1810. Christian was under 45 years of age and his oldest child was less than 16 years of age.
It is likley that George, who was 51, Christian and John were brothers. Jacob was probably the son of George or John. In 1810, John only had daughters at home. Jacob was listed with two sons under 10 in 1810, but did not have any sons at home in 1820.
By 1820, the only heads of household listed in Burke County were George Clonce, George, Jr., Christian, William and Jacob. Both Christian and George had sons named Michael - one born in 1797 and one born in 1803. The latter was George's son and he married Ann Stokes in Burke County, North Carolina, on April 12, 1828.
* [1]
- From:
Subject: Hironymus Marriage
Date: Sunday, January 21, 2001 10:13 AM
In the book "Early Lutheran Baptisms and Marriages in Southeastern Pennsylvania: The Records of Rev. John Casper Steover from 1730 to 1779", the marriage of Hironymus Glantz and Erna Barbara Mack is listed as Oct. 15, 1733 in Philidelphia.
The religion and place is news to me. There wasn't any Glantz baptisms mention in the book. However, it would be intersting to search the records of the baptisms and marriages in the Lutheran Churches in the Philidelphia area conducted by others than Rev. Stoever.
John R. Clonts in Ca
* [8]
- Re: Hieronymus Glantz/Germany
Home: Surnames: Glantz Family Genealogy Forum
Re: Hieronymus Glantz/Germany
Posted by: Jim GlantzDate: November 03, 2000 at 16:43:19
In Reply to: Hieronymus Glantz/Germany by Skip Allen of 62
I don't know what the origin of the name Glantz is but I can tell you that the Isenburg (Budingen Germany) Glantz family (1500-1750's) was of the Reformed faith. The name was spelled both Glantz and Glanz depending on the German scribe of the time of the record. There are some Glantz's that were of the jewish faith, however the name Glantz was borrowed due to the fact that Hebrew people did not have surnames untill the 1800's. The word Glantz means shiney or to glisten. The Glantz family of Isenburg were orginally keeper of charcoal or better known a kohlers.
Hope this helps you out.
- Posted By: James Quinn
Subject: Jeremiah Clonch/southwest Virginia
Post Date: March 22, 2007 at 08:17:26
Message URL:
Forum: Clontz Family Genealogy Forum
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After reading the messages on this forum I formed these opinions about The Clonch line of Grayson/Carroll Co., VA.
1. This Clonch line was German or Dutch and never was in Ireland (based on passenger list of the Adventure - all Palatines, religious affiliation of the Clontz family - Lutheran, and family legends of the Mecklenburg NC branch)
2. Jeremiah Clonch found in Lunenburg Co., VA is the same man as Hieronymous Glantz who landed in Philadelphia and married Erna Barbara Mack (based on Macks living with him in Lunenburg and the Mack on the Adventure and the married to E.B. Mack)
3. If there is any evidence of a Sophia married to a Jeremiah Clonch in the Virginia records I have never seen it. A land transaction in 1758 with Thomas Moore in Lunenburg names Jeremiah Clonch with a wife Margaret. Can someone spell out exactly what the source of connecting Sophia Erwin to Jeremiah in Virginia is and what primary records they are based on?
4. Is the Jeremiah with wife Margaret the same man who married Erna Barbara Mack or is he a son of this man?
5. Is the Jeremiah with wife Margaret the same man who later appears in the part of the Montgomery Co., VA that becomes Grayson then Carroll Co., VA and is marked unfit in 1781-2 on the Flower Swift militia roster? I have not seen two Jeremiahs (Sr. and Jr.) in the records until 1778 - indicating a son Jeremiah was born by the mid 1750s - probably the one who married Jane McGuire.
Without further evidence there are two equally likely possibilities
1. Hieronymous Glantz = Jeremiah Clonch of Lunenburg up until about 1755. After 1755 Jeremiah Clonch (m. Margaret) in the records is his son (Jeremiah Sr. dies at about age 50). The Jeremiah Jr. found in Henry Co. in 1778 (m. Jane McGuire) is a grandson.
2. Hieronymous Glantz goes to Lunenburg Co., VA (later Pittsylvania when this county is formed in 1767) and has a son Jeremiah who later appears in Henry and Montgomery Co., VA (Presumably the one who married Jane McGuire).
There is no son Jeremiah on the Adventure in 1732. Thus if Jeremiah is born no earlier than 1733 he cannot be the man buying land in 1744 (comes of age 1753 earliest). Furthermore, this land is shown to be in the same man's hand until it is sold in 1758. At this point we have a Jeremiah married to Margaret (listed in the land transaction). There is no mention of any two Jeremiahs at the same time until 1778.
Here are the primary sources as presented by various authors on Worldconnect (particularly from Catherine Meder-Dempsey whose source was M. L. "Matt" Claunch/ Ralph L. Hayes)( ):
23 September 1732 - Adventure arrives in Philadelphia with Hieronymous Glantz, wife, daughter and son John Michael.
Also on the ship is George Michael Mack (listed as Hans Michael Mack on the ship list, but as George Micahel Mack on two oaths of allegience)
15 October 1733 - Hieronymous Glantz m. Erna Barbara Mack in a Lutheran ceremony in Pennsylvania
1744 - Jeremiah Claunch receives 354 acres on South Fork of Allen's Creek in Lunenburg Co., VA (now presumably in Pittsylvania Co. - formed 1767).
1749, 1750, 1751, 1752 - Jeremiah Claunch on titheables list with George Mack in Lunenburg Co., VA
1755 - Granted Ordinary license in Lunenburg Co., VA
1756 - 200 acres on the S. Fork of Allens Creek adjoining his own lines
1757 - Renewal of Ordinary license
1758 Jeremiah and Margaret of Cumberton, Lunenburg Co., VA sell land to Thomas Moore on S. Fork of Allen's Creek (this is the land bought 1744 and 1758).
1759, 1760, 1764 - Jeremiah Clonch in Lunenburg Court collecting debts
1768 - On Pittsylvania Co., VA tax list (county formed from Lunenburg and Halifax in 1767)
1769 - Survey of 400 acres on his own east line in Pittsylvania Co., VA.
1770, 1771 - Law suit vs. Isaac Barnett, Pittsylvania Co.
1774 - advertises stray horse in Fincastle Co.
1775- Survey of 80 acres in Fincastle (later Montgomery, Wythe, Grayson and Carroll) on both sides of Chestnut Creek branch of New River
1777 - oath of allegience to Virginia. In John Cox's militia company.
1778 - Jeremiah and Jeremiah Jr. on tax rolls of Henry Co., VA
1779 - brought to court as "inimical to the government" in Montgomery Co., VA
1780 Claunch vs. Read, Henry Co., VA
1780, 1781 Jeremiah Clonch's land on Goblingtown Creek, Pittsylvania Co. mentioned (Land Office Grants C, 1780-1811, p. 120 and D 1780-1781 (v1 & 2, p 171, reel 45)
1781 - On Flower Swift militia company rolls as "not fit" along with Edmond and John Clonch.
Other threads on this question on this forum start with messages 77 and 190.
J. Quinn
- More discourse & misinformation:
REF: Stephanie Royers of Ohio
An immigrant from Wales, England. Took the oath of allegience at Christianburg CH in 1777
REF: Marjorie Faye Pace
On 26 oc 1988 Thelma Lee CLONTS 146 Hillcrest Drive Orieda, FL 32765; gave permission for SCL FHL to microfilm her "The CLONTS Family". NOTE: ...CLONTZ, CLONTS and CLAUNCH are all and the same family.... three known brothers: John, George and Jeremiah emigrated in 1710 from the Palatine (now Germany) ... to Leyden, Holland....and thence to England as political refugees...Queen Anne had promised Palatines 40 acres of land once they had paid for their passage to the New World by supplying tar and other naval resources. They were left stranded when other avenues of support began to be used... at least Jeremiah made it to Ulster,Ireland and eventually to PA then to Lunenburg Co (now Mecklenburg Co) NC. Names were recorded there in Tax and Deed records as CLAUNCH, later CLONTS and CLONTZ as those in GA used. There is more and can be found on LDS#1320921, item #9.
LDS# 1320921 item #9; You may go to any Family History Center and look on the Family History Library Catalog and enter your film number to discover at what centers the film is already available or if you need to order it in. I believe a portion of this information is accessiable on line at family When you have your hands on the film go to item #9 to find the desired portion. You will come closer to getting your questions answered to your satisfaction by reading the record for yourself. It is a private manuscript and has it's own rules.
Source: "The Claunch Files A genealocial Collection Volume Two" by Alta Hillman Claunch.
REF: Mike O'Hair
The CLAUNCH history from Johnson Co, TX is Family of Madison Love Claunch, Sr., call number R929.2, C572c, donated by Duval and Kay Edwards, Seattle in 1989.
Data I have not in this book is as follows: Jeremiah CLONTZ b. 1715 Holland m. Sophie Erwin, b. IRL, in Ulster (Antrim?) IRL abt 1735, had Jeremiah CLONCH or CLONTS b. 1752/53 Virginia. Second Jeremiah d. abt 1797 Pulaski Co., KY, buried there, m. Jane (prob. McGuire, b. 1755/56 Virginia d. Sep 1841 Pulaski Co, KY, buried Flat Lick Church Cemetery, Shopville, Pulaski Co, KY, second marriage 1804 to Zachariah Adams) and had 1. Margaret (Peggy), 2. William, 3. Christopher, 4. Jeremiah, 5. Jane, 6. John.
BURY ME AT DIXVILLE revised 1999, indludes chapters on Armstead PATTERSON; John DIVINE; William LEONARD; Samuel BUGG & Jeremiah CLAUNCH. Please e-mail me direct for info.
REF: Mary Beth
HI, I descend from Mary Ellen Clontz b:Oct.1,1836 Mecklinburg,NC and died Jun.12,1910 in Paulding Co.GA She married Wellie C. Taylor who was born Apr.3,1842 Campbell Co.GA and died Jul.14,1869 Paulding Co.GA They had one daughter that I know of Sarah Elizabeth Taylor b:Dec.6,1867 Paulding Co.GA and d: Feb.13,1951 Douglas Co.GA she married William Irvin Dorris.
I would like to know how you deduced that Jeremiah Clontz and Hans Micheal Glantz are one and the same. My info is that Jeremiah Clontz was born 1715 in Ulster,Ireland and married Sophia E. Erwin 1740 in Ulster,Ireland I have not seen one record of Jeremiah and a Margaret togather. Are you sure we are talking about the same families? I have Jeremiah and Sophia's children as:
Jeremiah b:Feb.10,1756 d:Nov.30,1840 NC m:Anna Catherine Long 1782Mecklinburge, NC
George b:May 6,1760 d: Oct.20, 1839 NC m: Chloe Cline Aug.28,1783 Buncombe,NC
unknown b: about 1763
unknown b:about 1765
Violet b: 1769 NC d: OH m:Thomas Haughey 1788 VA
Christian b: 1770 NC d: m: Margaret Neal Aug.6,1791 Rowan,NC
REPLY from Mike
Here is one way out of this dilemna. Hieronymous Glantz, born about 1703 in the Palatinate, with wife Maria Margarette (Magdalene), has eldest child Jeremiah in the Netherlands, assumming that the birth dates of 1703 for Hieronymous and 1715 for Jeremiah are only approximate. Anna Margaret is b. 1723, John Michael (or Hans) is b. later. They eventually go to Ireland and remain there until about 1732, at which time Hieronymous and wife and the two younger children take the Adventure to Philadelphia.
The eldest child, Jeremiah, who might be fifteen, say, is left behind (with others?). He marries an Irish girl Sophie about 1740, and perhaps around 1750 he and Sophie go to America, to Virginia, where in the meantime father, mother and sibs have made their home. This Jeremiah CLONTZ has Jeremiah CLONCH, b. 1752, VA., as well as John, Barnett, Edmund, and Jacob. From 1748 to 1764 we have an almost continuous record of Hieronymous. In 1750 in Lunenburg he has two tithes as CLANCH and CLANSH. In 1751 in Lunenburg he is surety for Mary Smith. In 1752 in Halifax (Lunenburg), VA he has two tithes. In 1752, Hans Michael (John CLAUNCH) has one tithe in Lunenburg. Hans Michael marries Margaret and they have George CLONTZ, who marries Cloe CLINE, and Jeremiah (b. 1756), who marries Anna Catherine LONG. Jeremiah and Anna Catherine have Jeremiah who marries Sarah Catherine Rhine. George and brother Jeremiah (b. 1756) go to NC and in the Rev. War are patriots. George is wounded. Father Hieronymous is a Loyalist. Jeremiah (b. 1752) and perhaps also Hieronymous settle in Montgomery Co., VA. In 1774, Jeremiah advertises a stray horse there, and in 1775 he receives a land grant of 80 acres, both sides of Chestnut Creek. In 1777 he swears allegiance to the Commonwealth of VA and refuses allegiance to George III. In 1781 he is listed as "not fit for military duty." Brothers John, Barnett, Edmund, and Jacob are on the muster lists for 1781. Barnett is listed as missing from the list for 1782. Jeremiah (b. 1752) is in Mecklenburg in 1782 with six whites in his household. He marries Jane (McGuire?) and they have Jeremiah CLONCH who marries Elizabeth Kelly.
Finally, we might want to consider the following. We have a George CLAUNCH/CLONTZ b. Germany 1770. Some of his descendants ended up in KY. (according to LDS fiche). We have a Jacobi and Annae Mariae CLONTZ whose six children, Anna Maria, Catherina, Bernardus, Mathias, Petrus, Susanna, and Valentinus were baptized Catholic in Karlsruhe in the Rhineland between 1780 and 1786. We have a Dominick CLANCHI, b. abt 1655 in La Chambre who married Margueritte Hennequin. His father was Didier CLANCHI, mother Jakoba SIMONIS. Dominick was baptized in St. Avold, Moselle, France and resided in Bisten, Saarland, Germany. Dominick is clearly a CLANCY. HENNEQUIN is an Irish name, and both DIDIER and SIMONIS are Huguenot names of Ireland. The name CLANCHE is located primarily in the Moselle/Saarland/Palatinate region. GLANCE and CLANCE are forms of CLANCY, which was usually pronounced CLANCHY. Hieronymous is accurately translated not Jeremiah but Jerome, which suggests that Hieronymous was baptized Catholic. And finally, of the two ships lists for the Adventure of 1732, one has him as Hieronymous GLANTZ, the other as Jeremy GLANCE.
Why the difference? Also, if the Adventure was from Rotterdam, last from Cowes, where did Hieronymous take ship, assuming that he resided in Ireland for awhile?
REF: Naomi B. Robinson
In response to the Orgin of the Clontz family. The Klotz/Clontz Family came from Mittenwald, Germany. The Klotz/Clontz Family was a family of Violin Makers.
REF: Marie Cook
Other children were Jane, Susan, Polly, Violet, Sarah and
Joseph. I have notes on spouses of each.
* [6]