"Baptism Records of Organ Lutheran Church, Rowan Co., NC 1788-1882", transcribed by Adelaide & Eugenia Lore, Concord, N
Short Title "Baptism Records of Organ Lutheran Church, Rowan Co., NC 1788-1882", transcribed by Adelaide & Eugenia Lore, Concord, N Source ID S9726 Linked to Ann Margaret "Peggy" Clonts
John William Clonts, Sr.
John Adam "Adam" Clontz
John Jacob Clontz
Sarah Clontz
Adilen(e) Helen Glanz
Jacob Glanz
Notes - "Baptism Records of Organ Lutheran Church, Rowan Co., NC 1788-1882", transcribed by Adelaide & Eugenia Lore, Concord, NC, 1941, excerpted by John & Barbara Clonts in 2002.